Warm Weather Sleep Tips With Naturalmat
We can all relate to that feeling of tossing and turning when the nights get warmer. Good quality sleep can be compromised when the temperatures rise, and restless nights can leave us feeling tired and frustrated. We’ve teamed up with Devon-based organic bed and mattress company, Naturalmat, who share their top tips on how to stay cool and comfortable throughout the summer season, with the help of sustainable natural fibres.
Tip #1 Lower your core body temperature
Getting a good night’s sleep in the warm weather is all about lowering your core body temperature, which comes from a combination of environmental factors and behavioural changes.
Naturalmat’s resident sleep expert Christabel Majendie explains why this is so important for sleeping in hot weather:
“In order to drop off to sleep, our core body temperature has to drop. If the room temperature is too high, it is difficult for the body to cool down, which in turn can lead to issues with falling asleep.
In addition, hot overnight conditions make it harder to get into the stage of deep sleep, so the night may be more fragmented with more awakenings as a result.
It’s best to sleep in a cool room with a temperature range of 16 to 20 degrees Celsius so if you have air conditioning this is the ideal setting”.
Ways to reduce your core body temperature include:
Tip #2 Pick a seasonally appropriate duvet
We don’t wear the same clothes all year round, so why should our bedding be any different?
Throughout the summer season, opt for a thinner 1.5 to 4.5 tog duvet, made with breathable natural fibres. Naturalmat recommends their organic wool duvet, which has a much thinner profile than traditional plump feather & down. Wool has amazing temperature-regulating properties, meaning it will trap heat when you need it and disperse it when you don't.
Tip #3 Choose breathable bed linen
The bed linen you choose to sleep in also plays a role in keeping you cool. Choosing natural fibres such as Organic Cotton, Linen or Hemp will provide breathability and moisture-wicking properties, keeping you comfortable all night long.
For those who suffer with hayfever or skin irritation in the summer, these natural fibres are also hypoallergenic, meaning you can avoid any further discomfort throughout the night while your body rests and repairs.
Tip #4 Prepare your sleep space
As well as your bedding, you can make some simple changes to your bedroom to keep it as cool as possible.
Keep curtains or blinds drawn when the temperature starts to rise in the day and only open them in the evening as it cools. At this time, open the windows to allow cool air to come into the bedroom before you sleep. If it’s quiet and safe to do so, sleep with a window open. Keep the bedroom door open to let air circulate.
Let the room breathe by stripping back added insulation such as heavy rugs, throws or wall hangings, in turn, creating a more comfortable sleep environment.
Tip #5 Embrace evening rituals
Having a consistent nighttime routine can go a long way when it comes to getting high quality sleep. With lighter evenings and later social plans, many of us can find our routines become disrupted in the summer.
If you can, set aside 30 minutes before bed to carry out habits that your brain will associate with getting ready to sleep. Your nighttime rituals could include turning off screens, reading a book, or an evening skincare routine. If you’re struggling to drift off, we love Bramley’s sleep-inducing pillow spray, for the dreamiest nights sleep!
To learn more about Naturalmat, visit their website or one of their showrooms around the country.